Apartment Guys was founded in Lakeview in 2001 with a goal of providing a service oriented apartment finding brokerage that truly puts the needs of the clients first. Our mission is to make each client feel like the only client and to provide the best customer service possible.
Several successful years later, the Apartment Guys still thrives on this mission. Our clients have expressed how they enjoy the personal approach our agents have to their needs and desires in finding an apartment. Our clients don’t wait in long lines or spend long hours in the office while the agent prepares their list of apartments to show. Each of our clients has scheduled appointments, usually days in advance, which gives the agents proper time to prepare an excellent list of available apartments and become familiar with the units they are showing.
In just one afternoon we will take you to see several apartments in the neighborhoods you desire! Compare that to the 3-5 weeks it normally takes to schedule and view a handful of apartments on your own. Through our extensive contact with property managers and landlords we receive immediate notice of rents being slashed, rental incentives, or reduced security deposits.
No more wasting a month’s worth of weekends or time off of work searching for an apartment. Our goal is to find you an apartment in one day! We want to make it easy for you! Just sit back and relax as a licensed leasing agent schedules the appointments and drives you to each selected apartment. And remember, it’s a FREE service to you!